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- Manufacturer, Supplier & Exporters of Premium Natural Stone Veneers
À propos de nous Trouver l'inspiration à chaque tournant Un accueil chaleureux dans le monde magnifique des placages de pierre naturelle frais, passionnants, minces et pliables / flexibles, un produit de pointe de Rajasthan Slate & Stone Exports Inc. Rajasthan Slate & Stone Exports Inc. est un fabricant, fournisseur et exportateur de classe mondiale de placages de pierre naturelle de qualité supérieure. Nous produisons fièrement les meilleurs placages de pierre naturelle 100 % minces qui ajouteront grâce, beauté, élégance et valeur à votre maison ou bureau. Sélectionné à la main dans les célèbres carrières de pierre pour une couleur et une texture exceptionnelles. Nos placages flexibles en pierre naturelle sont fabriqués dans notre usine de pierre en Inde et nous les commercialisons et expédiez-les dans des conteneurs LCL / FCL à travers le monde. Nous vous garantissons une qualité et des performances exceptionnelles selon vos attentes. Nous utilisons une combinaison de machines à la fine pointe de la technologie, de belles pierres brutes et des efforts inlassables de nos tailleurs de pierre et de notre personnel de vente professionnel. Avec un objectif en tête, nous nous engageons à fabriquer des produits de qualité à un prix abordable et à offrir un aspect riche de maçonnerie en pierre traditionnelle à travers le monde. Equipe professionelle Nous avons formé professionnellement une équipe de trieurs de matériaux experts pour inspecter et sélectionner les blocs et les dalles selon les critères établis. Nous assurons nos clients de nos connaissances et de nos compétences dans la classification appropriée des produits en pierre. Partenariats stratégiques Nous entretenons des partenariats stratégiques avec des fournisseurs réputés à travers le monde et sommes spécialisés dans les matériaux à fort taux de rotation. Nous investissons dans les dernières machines et technologies disponibles, afin que nos clients reçoivent les meilleurs matériaux de qualité à des prix compétitifs. Opérations entièrement intégrées Nous sommes une entreprise entièrement intégrée. Cette intégration s'accompagne d'une offre attrayante gamme de matériaux classiques, exotiques et haut de gamme. Service et contrôle de la qualité La livraison à temps et le contrôle de qualité très strict ont fait de nous une source fiable pour les placages de pierre flexibles et ont conduit à son succès continu dans le monde entier. Principes et valeurs Engagement Crédibilité Honnêteté We have customers like builders, contractors, dealers, designers, architects and sometimes home owners in Canada, United States, Argentina, Spain, Turkey, Italy, Germany, China, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, Australia, Austria, Vietnam, Taiwan, Bulgaria, Egypt, France, Guatemala, Indonesia, Iran, Morocco, Netherlands, Singapore, & Thailand who continuously buy flexible slate veneer sheets i.e. known as 2mm stone veneer, flexible stone veneer, natural flexible stone veneer or piedra flexible veneer, wafer thin stone, 3d stone wallpaper, slim stone veneer, slate stone laminates, slate stone wallpaper and natural stone wallpaper from our company. We are leading suppliers of lightweight, extremely flexible, German quality, UV resistant, 100% natural, DIY peel & stick, eco-friendly, 2 mm stone veneer sheets. We supply and deliver worldwide at wholesale prices. Nous respectons et soutenons les droits de l'homme et les lois sur le travail des enfants, nous avons avec nous une main-d'œuvre qualifiée et des professionnels dans notre usine de pierre. Nous vous aiderons à trouver l'inspiration qui durera toute une vie ! Nos certificats Filter using Product Tags Peel & Stick Natura Stone Slim Stone Flexystone Klasik Micro Slim Stone Wholesale Flexible Stone Veneer Facade Cladding Piedra Natural Ultrafine Lamina De Piedra Flexible Dünnschiefer Flexible Stone Veneer Wholesalers in India
- About Veneers | Stone Veneer Flexible
Nos placages de pierre Nos feuilles flexibles minces sont des matériaux de placage de pierre purement naturelle ou de véritables carreaux de pierre, c'est un matériau absolument nouveau et innovant pour de nombreux architectes, designers, fabricants d'armoires de cuisine et de meubles . fabrique selon les normes les plus élevées de l'industrie. Notre matériau a une sensation de douceur et peut être façonné pour s'adapter à presque toutes les formes. Nos minces placages en pierre d'ardoise sont non seulement super solides, mais fonctionnent également bien avec presque tous les types de conception architecturale. Beauté et durabilité Nos placages de pierre minces et flexibles offrent la beauté et la durabilité de la vraie pierre sans les tracas d'installation et les pierres pleine grandeur lourdes. Mesurant seulement 1 mm à 2 mm d'épaisseur, nos panneaux de placage en pierre naturelle sont légers et conviennent à la plupart des murs intérieurs et extérieurs. Fabriqués en pierre véritable, nos placages de pierre minces sont une alternative durable et respectueuse de l'environnement. Ce produit est une réponse supérieure à la (fausse) pierre fabriquée. Mère Nature Ces minces placages de pierre permettent aux installateurs de couvrir une grande surface en peu de temps avec peu de déchets. Les minces feuilles de placage de pierre flexibles offrent une beauté et une chaleur intemporelles, riches et robustes qu'aucun autre produit intérieur ou extérieur ne peut fournir. Comme les feuilles sont composées de pierre naturelle, vous recevez des formes, des textures, des tailles et des qualités de couleur uniques que seule Mère Nature peut créer. Beauté de l'unicité Chaque fine feuille de placage de pierre flexible est différente puisque chaque pièce est constituée d'une couche unique de pierre véritable. Les variations de texture avec des différences de couleur font partie intégrante de la beauté naturelle des matériaux de carrière. Il est recommandé que le matériel soit accepté en lots de 20, 40, 50 feuilles assorties. Les grosses commandes seront exécutées en paquets de 50 avec 2-3 lots correspondants dans chaque paquet. Des exceptions de grands lots sont également une possibilité. Imperméable Notre produit est un placage de pierre naturelle laminé avec un support noir lisse. Il est produit avec un support en molleton de couleur noire ayant une couture au milieu qui apparaît lorsque la lumière la traverse. Le placage de pierre mince et flexible est également étanche à l'eau une fois installé et crée efficacement une barrière résistante contre l'humidité. Technologie allemande Surface en pierre 100 % naturelle Super mince <=2mm Super léger 1,5Kg/m2 Très flexible Translucide Installation rapide Bien rangé Travailler Résistant à l'eau UV Résistant Résistant aux impacts Applications infinies Respectueux de l'environnement Sans formaldéhyde Facile à porter Coûts logistiques les plus bas Valeur durable Nos placages de pierre mince peuvent être adaptés à de nombreuses utilisations. Le produit peut être utilisé pour les murs intérieurs, les cheminées, les murs extérieurs et peut même être ajouté à des structures existantes en brique ou en béton avec très peu de modifications. Les placages en pierre fine naturelle ajouteront une valeur durable à votre maison. Filter using Product Tags Largest Producer 2 mm Stone Veneer Flexible Stone Panels Manufacturers Flexible Stone Sheets Suppliers Flexible Stacked Stone Veneer Flexible Marble Veneer Sheets Flexible Slate Stone Veneer Stone Veneer for Furniture Veneer Stone
- Manufacturer and Supplier of Oxido Flexible Stone Veneer from India
Oxido Suitable uses For decorating your kitchens and backsplashes, living, ceilings, home, office & home interior, corporate walls, cabinet doors & furniture, table tops & reception desks, walls & ceilings, ships, air craft, vehicles & yacht interior, trade show exhibits, rounded surfaces etc. it can be applied on curved surfaces like columns, pillars, etc. To elaborate more, you can give rustic look to your bathrooms, kitchens, staircases, internally and externally, accent walls, decorative entryways, grand corridors and lounges, in commercial spaces like evening party decors, hotels, resorts, movie halls, retail outlets, shopping complexes, malls, entertainment centres, pubs, restaurants and more. You can give an impression of 100 years old look in few minutes to your decor. Front surface of oxido stone veneer sheets: Real concrete with an oxidized rustic iron finish. After installation the sheets give look and feel of genuine concrete oxidised walls. We can give design and texture as per your requirements Backing of thin oxido stone veneer: This 2mm rust look oxido flexible sheets has a backing of GRP (glass fiber reinforced polyester resin) + fleece (surface mat) Thickness of flexible natural rust veneer 1.5-2.5 mm (1/16" - 3/32") Weight of oxido veneer 1.5 kilogram (122 x 61 cm / sheet) 6 kilogram (244 x 122 cm / sheet ) Oxido stone veneer life Oxido rust veneer sheet can normally be lasts for life, but practically and to be honest we assure you a 7 years of perfect life span. We are leading manufacturer and exporter of decorative rustic veneer sheets from India. Oxido stone veneer samples Flexible stone veneer sheet samples are available in 30 x 20 cm (A4 size). We are fastest-growing stone veneer manufacturers in India. Transport benefits of real oxidized stone veneer sheets 300 sheets i.e. 223.26 sqm / Crate Suitable substrates for oxi slate veneer sheets Tiling, wood, metal, cement, plaster, glass etc. Packaging of rustic veneer sheets First in corrugated box and then in wooden crate Best waterproofing / sealants Akemi Company's "Nano Repellant" & sealer from Fila Industria Chimica Spa, Italy is also best Best Adhesives / Glues (a) Kerakoll’s Company’s Super Flex Eco (b) Kerakoll’s Company’s Epoxy Eco (c) MYK Laticrete company's Latapoxy-270 We supply oxido veneer sheets in following demanding sizes: We can deliver custom-made sizes also MOQ: 4'x2' = 100 sheets at least (800 sq. ft. to cover) MOQ: 8'x4' = 100 sheets at least (3200 sq. ft. to cover) Worn Rust Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm worn rust oxido flexible stone veneer sheets Urbane Rust Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm urbane rust oxido flexible stone veneer sheets Waffle Rust Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm waffle rust oxido flexible stone veneer sheets Arcane Rust Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm arcane rust oxido flexible stone veneer sheets Explore Other Product Categories Cutting with Hard-metal tipped circular saw, skill saw (diamond blade, stone saw), always cut from the rear side. Drilling and routing Yes, possible, you can use tools for wood or stone industry only. Oxido rust veneer flexibility Can be increased by applying heat (using heat-gun around 400°C) Storage Store the oxido sheets in a dry, clean place away from direct sunlight, flat or rolled up, never store outdoors. Main benefits of oxido rust veneer Real oxidized stone veneer pieces weigh less and due to this lightweight pieces helps in reducing production, shipping and construction costs. Besides its highly flexible, durable, various patterns, scratch free, easy to clean. We are no.1 manufacturing company of flexible stone veneers in India. Fiberglass Translucent Fabric Marble Sandstone Limestone Metallic Oxido Concrete Granite Terrazzo 3D Panels Macbook Cover Stoneveneerflexible is the largest manufacturer and supplier of oxido flexible stone veneer from India to the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Slovakia, Mexico, Argentina, Thailand etc. Filter using Product Tags Building Facades Flexi Stone Pierre Naturelle Decorative Pierre Naturelle Flexible Exterior Flexible Stone Tile Manufacturer Rustic Veneer Flexible Real Stone Veneer Wall Coverings Buy Peel and Stick Stone Flexible Stone Veneer Suppliers
- Manufacturer and Supplier of Limestone Flexible Stone Veneer from India
Limestone Explore Other Product Categories Suitable uses Kitchens and backsplashes, living, bathroom and shower walls, fireplace, ceilings, office & home interior, corporate walls, outdoors, cabinet doors & furniture, table tops & reception desks, walls & ceilings, ships, air craft, vehicles & yacht interior, trade show exhibits, building facades / fence / home-base, wet spaces, swimming pools, rounded surfaces etc. it can be applied on curved surfaces like columns, pillars, etc. Front surface Real limestone (100% natural limestone), chemically extracted from a limestone blocks. Backing: This 2mm stone veneer has a backing of GRP (glass fiber reinforced polyester resin) + fleece (surface mat), suitable for both exterior and interior applications & stable in water & moisture also. Thickness of limestone veneer sheet 1.5-2 mm Weight of limestone veneer sheet 1.5 kilogram (122 x 61 cm / sheet) 6 kilogram (244 x 122 cm / sheet ) Limestone veneer sheet Price please send us an email for price of veneer sheets Limestone veneer life This slim stone veneer sheet can normally be lasts for life, but practically and to be honest we assure you a 7 years of perfect life span. Samples Are available in 30 x 20 cm (A4 size) Transport benefit 300 sheets i.e. 223.26 sqm. / crate Suitable substrates Tiling, wood, metal, cement, plaster, glass etc. Packaging First in corrugated box and then in wooden crate Eco friendly Yes, the product is made from blocks of real natural limestone, it increases the surface coverage by being a thin veneer Best waterproofing / sealants Akemi Company's "Nano Repellant" & sealer from Fila Industria Chimica Spa, Italy is also best Best Adhesives / Glues (a) Kerakoll’s Company’s Super Flex Eco (b) Kerakoll’s Company’s Epoxy Eco (c) MYK Laticrete company's Latapoxy-270 Cutting with Hard-metal tipped circular saw, skill saw (diamond blade, stone saw), always cut from the rear side. We supply limestone veneer sheets in following demanding sizes: We can deliver custom-made sizes also MOQ: 4'x2' = 100 sheets at least (800 sq. ft. to cover) MOQ: 8'x4' = 100 sheets at least (3200 sq. ft. to cover) Tender White Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm tender white limestone flexible stone veneer sheets Stone Mason Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm stone mason limestone flexible stone veneer sheets Pink Velvet Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm pink velvet limestone flexible stone veneer sheets March Ice Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm march ice limestone flexible stone veneer sheets Ice pearl Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm ice pearl limestone flexible stone veneer sheets Drilling and routing Yes, possible, you can use tools for wood or stone industry only. Limestone veneer flexibility Can be increased by applying heat (using heat-gun around 400°C) Storage Store the limestone veneer panels in a dry, clean place away from direct sunlight, flat or rolled up, never store outdoors. Main benefits of limestone veneer Highly flexible, weather proof, durable, various patterns, scratch free, easy to clean. We are no.1 flexible limestone veneer supplier in India. Fiberglass Translucent Fabric Marble Sandstone Limestone Metallic Oxido Concrete Granite Terrazzo 3D Panels Macbook Cover Stoneveneerflexible is the largest manufacturer and supplier of limestone flexible stone veneer from India to the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Slovakia, Mexico, Argentina, Thailand etc. Filter using Product Tags Flexible Natural Stone Veneer Pierre Naturelle Piedra Natural Flexible Fornir Kamienny Pedra Flex Flexistone Stonevener Stone Veneer Wall Decoration
- Manufacturer and Supplier of Granite Flexible Stone Veneer from India
Granite Suitable uses Kitchens and backsplashes, living, bathroom and shower walls, fireplace, ceilings, office & home interior, corporate walls, outdoors, cabinet doors & furniture, table tops & reception desks, walls & ceilings, ships, air craft, vehicles & yacht interior, trade show exhibits, building facades / fence / home-base, wet spaces, swimming pools, rounded surfaces etc. it can be applied on curved surfaces like columns, pillars, etc. Front surface granite veneer sheets: Real granite (100% natural granite), chemically extracted from a granite blocks. Backing: This 2mm stone veneer has a backing of GRP (glass fiber reinforced polyester resin) + fleece (surface mat), suitable for both exterior and interior applications & stable in water & moisture also. Thickness of granite veneer sheet 1.5-2.5 mm (1/16" - 3/32") Weight of granite veneer sheet 1.5 kilogram (122 x 61 cm / sheet) 6 kilogram (244 x 122 cm / sheet ) Granite veneer sheet Price please send us an email for granite veneer price. We are manufacturers of flexible stone sheets from India sells at wholesale prices. Granite veneer life This slim stone veneer sheet can normally be lasts for life, but practically and to be honest we assure you a 7 years of perfect life span. We are leading manufacturer and exporter of decorative granite veneer sheets from India. Samples Are available in 30 x 20 cm (A4 size), we are no.1 manufacturing company of flexible stone veneers in India. Transport benefit 300 sheets i.e. 223.26 sqm / Crate Suitable substrates Tiling, wood, metal, cement, plaster, glass etc. Packaging First in corrugated box and then in wooden crates. Eco friendly Yes, the product is made from blocks of real natural granite stone, it increases the surface coverage by being a thin veneer. Best Waterproofing / Sealants Akemi Company's "Nano Repellant" & sealer from Fila Industria Chimica Spa, Italy is also best Best Adhesives / Glues (a) Kerakoll’s Company’s Super Flex Eco (b) Kerakoll’s Company’s Epoxy Eco (c) MYK Laticrete company's Latapoxy-270 We supply granite veneer sheets in following demanding sizes: We can deliver custom-made sizes also MOQ: 4'x2' = 100 sheets at least (800 sq. ft. to cover) MOQ: 8'x4' = 100 sheets at least (3200 sq. ft. to cover) Explore Other Product Categories Cutting with Hard-metal tipped circular saw, skill saw (diamond blade, stone saw), always cut from the rear side. Drilling and routing Yes, possible, you can use tools for wood or stone industry only. Granite veneer flexibility Can be increased by applying heat (using heat-gun around 400°C) Storage Store the granite veneer panels in a dry, clean place away from direct sunlight, flat or rolled up, never store outdoors. Main benefits of granite veneer Highly flexible, weather proof, durable, various patterns, scratch free, easy to clean. We are no.1 flexible granite veneer supplier in India. Fantasy White Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm fantasy white granite flexible stone veneer sheets Corsair Black Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm corsair black granite flexible stone veneer sheets Fiberglass Translucent Fabric Marble Sandstone Limestone Metallic Oxido Concrete Granite Terrazzo 3D Panels Macbook Cover Stoneveneerflexible is the largest manufacturer and supplier of granite flexible stone veneer from India to the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Slovakia, Mexico, Argentina, Thailand etc. Filter using Product Tags Flexible Stone Veneer Exporter Flexible Stone Veneer Supplier Rusticslate Thin Stone Veneer Supplier Granite Flexible Veneer Manufacturer Thin Stone Veneer Manufacturer Oxislate Blancoflexiblestoneveneer Zeeragreenslateveneer Marble Flexible Veneer Manufacturer
- Manufacturer and Supplier of Concrete Flexible Stone Veneer from India
Concrete Suitable uses For decorating your kitchens and backsplashes, living, ceilings, home, office & home interior, corporate walls, cabinet doors & furniture, table tops & reception desks, walls & ceilings, ships, air craft, vehicles & yacht interior, trade show exhibits, rounded surfaces etc. it can be applied on curved surfaces like columns, pillars, etc. To elaborate more, concrete veneer is suitable for use in many sectors, such as businesses, shops, school, leisure facilities, public buildings, hospitality, healthcare, education and residential and more. Front surface of concrete veneer sheets: Real concrete. After installation the sheets give look and feel of genuine concrete walls. The application will look like a greyish plaster finish, slate grey cloudy patterns, smooth finish, rugged finish besides the seemingly look pits can also be less or more as per your requirement Backing of thin concrete veneer: This 2mm rust look oxido flexible sheets has a backing of GRP (glass fiber reinforced polyester resin) + fleece (surface mat) Thickness of flexible concrete veneer: 1.5-2.5 mm (1/16" - 3/32") Weight of concrete veneer: 1.5 kilogram (122 x 61 cm / sheet) 6 kilogram (244 x 122 cm / sheet ) Concrete veneer price please send us an email for natural thin stone veneer price, we are manufacturers of flexible stone sheets from India sells at wholesale prices. Concrete veneer life Concrete veneer sheet can normally be lasts for life, but practically and to be honest we assure you a 7 years of perfect life span. We are leading manufacturer and exporter of decorative concrete veneer sheets from India. Concrete veneer samples Flexible stone veneer sheet samples are available in 30 x 20 cm (A4 size). We are fastest-growing stone veneer manufacturers in India. Transport benefits of concrete veneer sheets 300 sheets i.e. 223.26 sqm / Crate Suitable substrates for concrete veneer sheets Tiling, wood, metal, cement, plaster, glass etc. Packaging of concrete veneer sheets First in corrugated box and then in wooden crate Best waterproofing / sealants Akemi Company's "Nano Repellant" & sealer from Fila Industria Chimica Spa, Italy is also best Best Adhesives / Glues (a) Kerakoll’s Company’s Super Flex Eco (b) Kerakoll’s Company’s Epoxy Eco (c) MYK Laticrete company's Latapoxy-270 We supply concrete veneer sheets in following demanding sizes: We can deliver custom-made sizes also MOQ: 4'x2' = 100 sheets at least (800 sq. ft. to cover) MOQ: 8'x4' = 100 sheets at least (3200 sq. ft. to cover) Explore Other Product Categories White Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm white concrete flexible stone veneer sheets Light Grey Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm light grey concrete flexible stone veneer sheets Dark Grey Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm dark grey concrete flexible stone veneer sheets Cutting with Hard-metal tipped circular saw, skill saw (diamond blade, stone saw), always cut from the rear side. Drilling and routing The veneer is made up of at least 90% cement, you need to use tools for wood or stone industry only. Concrete veneer flexibility Can be increased by applying heat (using heat-gun around 400°C) Storage Store the concrete veneer sheets in a dry, clean place away from direct sunlight, flat or rolled up, never store outdoors. Main benefits of concrete veneer panels The concrete veneer sheets can give 2 major benefits: The sheets can absorb ambient noise The sheets will be indistinguishable from 'real' concrete. Fiberglass Translucent Fabric Marble Sandstone Limestone Metallic Oxido Concrete Granite Terrazzo 3D Panels Macbook Cover Stoneveneerflexible is the largest manufacturer and supplier of concrete flexible stone veneer from India to the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Slovakia, Mexico, Argentina, Thailand etc. Filter using Product Tags Self-Adhesive Stone Panels Piedraflexible Thinstone Thin Slate Decors Flexible Stone Tile from India Flexible Wall Stone from India Peel and Stick Stone Backsplash Stone veneer manufacturer Ultrathinstone Flexible Stone Veneer Manufacturer
- Manufacturer and Supplier of Sandstone Flexible Stone Veneer from India
Sandstone Explore Other Product Categories Suitable uses Kitchens and backsplashes, living, bathroom and shower walls, fireplace, ceilings, office & home interior, corporate walls, outdoors, cabinet doors & furniture, table tops & reception desks, walls & ceilings, ships, air craft, vehicles & yacht interior, trade show exhibits, building facades / fence / home-base, wet spaces, swimming pools, rounded surfaces etc. it can be applied on curved surfaces like columns, pillars, etc. Front surface Real sandstone (100% natural sandstone), chemically extracted from a sandstone blocks. Backing: This 2mm stone veneer has a backing of GRP (glass fiber reinforced polyester resin) + fleece (surface mat), suitable for both exterior and interior applications & stable in water & moisture also. Thickness of sandstone veneer sheet 1.5-2.5 mm (1/16" - 3/32") Weight of sandstone veneer sheet 1.5 kilogram (122 x 61 cm / sheet) 6 kilogram (244 x 122 cm / sheet ) Sandstone veneer sheet Price please send us an email for price of veneer sheets Sandstone veneer life This slim stone veneer sheet can normally be lasts for life, but practically and to be honest we assure you a 7 years of perfect life span. Samples Are available in 30 x 20 cm (A4 size) Transport benefit 300 sheets i.e. 223.26 sqm / Crate Suitable substrates Tiling, wood, metal, cement, plaster, glass etc. Packaging First in corrugated box and then in wooden crate Eco friendly Yes, the product is made from blocks of real natural sandstone stone, it increases the surface coverage by being a thin veneer Best waterproofing / sealants Akemi Company's "Nano Repellant" & sealer from Fila Industria Chimica Spa, Italy is also best Best Adhesives / Glues (a) Kerakoll’s Company’s Super Flex Eco (b) Kerakoll’s Company’s Epoxy Eco (c) MYK Laticrete company's Latapoxy-270 Cutting with Hard-metal tipped circular saw, skill saw (diamond blade, stone saw), always cut from the rear side. Drilling and routing Yes, possible, you can use tools for wood or stone industry only. We supply sandstone veneer sheets in following demanding sizes: We can deliver custom-made sizes also MOQ: 4'x2' = 100 sheets at least (800 sq. ft. to cover) MOQ: 8'x4' = 100 sheets at least (3200 sq. ft. to cover) Sandstone veneer flexibility Can be increased by applying heat (using heat-gun around 400°C) Storage Store the sandstone veneer panels in a dry, clean place away from direct sunlight, flat or rolled up, never store outdoors. Main benefits of sandstone veneer Highly flexible, weather proof, durable, various patterns, scratch free, easy to clean. We are no.1 flexible sandstone veneer supplier in India. Rainbow Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm rainbow sandstone flexible stone veneer sheets Mint White Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm mint white sandstone flexible stone veneer sheets Red Sandstone Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm red sandstone flexible stone veneer sheets Teakwood Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm teakwood sandstone flexible stone veneer sheets Summer Drift Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm summer drift sandstone flexible stone veneer sheets Moon Scape Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm moon scape sandstone flexible stone veneer sheets Red Creek Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm red creek sandstone flexible stone veneer sheets Dark Creek Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm dark creek sandstone flexible stone veneer sheets Bright Creek Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm bright creek sandstone flexible stone veneer sheets Fiberglass Translucent Fabric Marble Sandstone Limestone Metallic Oxido Concrete Granite Terrazzo 3D Panels Macbook Cover Stoneveneerflexible is the largest manufacturer and supplier of sandstone flexible stone veneer from India to the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Slovakia, Mexico, Argentina, Thailand etc. Filter using Product Tags Terraredveneer Thin Slate Veneer Thin Stone Cladding Stenfaner Flexible Stone Veneer for Wall Decoration Flexi Pierre Flexiblestoneveneer Flexible Stone Cladding Slate Flex Stone Veneer Flexible Stone Veneer Manufacturers in India
- Best Quality Flexible Stone Veneer Sheets to Our Customers
Here we are sharing the valuable customer reviews…what our customers are saying...for our quality, packaging, delivery time and customer services… We are always getting the positive reviews from our clients…because we put our 100% to be the best and strive to provide only the best quality flexible stone veneer sheets to our customers. This is our commitment to bring the value for your money, high quality flexible slate into your home & business enterprises. At Stoneveneerflexible you can count on it…it is our promise to you. Quality commitment: We assure you that…our stone veneer sheets are thoroughly inspected at each stage…. for stability, durability, and freeze-thaw to ensure that they are appropriate for residential as well as commercial installations. We always inspect our products throughout our manufacturing process. Please feel free to get in touch to discuss your ongoing requirements of flexible slate veneer sheets also known as slate veneer / piedra flexible / piedra flex / steinfurnier / stenfaner / fornir kamienny / okładziny kamienne / flexible ardesia panels / ultra thin stone / piatra flessible / flexstone / stone sheets / rockflex / skinrock / piedra natural ultrafine / lamina de piedra flexible / lámina de piedra natural flexible / piedrafina etc. Customer Service: Our customer service is second to none. Take a few minutes to read below the testimonials given by our esteemed clients for flexible stone veneer and services provided to them. Addolorata d'Italie "Bonjour Satyender, Je transmettrai certainement votre réputation et travaillerai à toute personne ayant besoin de vos services" Aygül de Turquie "Bonjour Satyender, Merci beaucoup pour votre excellente livraison de feuilles de placage flexibles en pierre fine, je vous assure que je recommanderai fortement votre entreprise à d'autres personnes dans le besoin" Rodriquez d'Espagne "Bonjour Satyender, Vos placages flexi sont très beaux! Merci. Hernández de Colombie "Bonjour Satyender, Ma famille et moi avons aimé vos fines feuilles de placage de pierre et elles sont tout simplement magnifiques ! Merci beaucoup d'avoir livré à temps également, cela signifie vraiment beaucoup!". Gonzalez des États-Unis "Bonjour Satyender, Je voulais juste dire merci pour un si beau feu de forêt feuilles de placage minces que j'aime beaucoup, après l'installation, cela s'est avéré merveilleux. Mieux que je ne le pensais" Williams d'Australie "Bonjour Madan, Merci pour votre aide pendant cette période. Je suis très satisfait de la façon dont vous avez livré les feuilles de placage. Ici, ça a l'air sympa." Hamadi d'Egypte "Bonjour Satyender, Les fines plaques de pierre, c'est magnifique sur le mur. Merci pour toute l'aide que vous m'apportez c'est exactement ce que je voulais. Konstantinov de Russie "Bonjour directeur général, Ma famille et moi sommes très satisfaits de la qualité de la pierre fine et flexible que vous fabriquez. Mitchell du Royaume-Uni "Bonjour directeur général, La pierre fine est très jolie, elle a l'air bien et j'apprécie la façon dont tu les emballes, nous sommes heureux ici. Merci encore. Delgado du Mexique "Bonjour Satyender, Merci pour l'excellent travail, les feuilles de placage sont belles et attrayantes. Filter using Product Tags Pierre de placage fabriquée à la main en Inde High Quality Thin Stone Veneer from India Stone Veneer Applications India Stone Veneer Suppliers India Stone Veneer Wholesalers India Stone Veneer Factory Manufacturers of Veneer Stone in India Top Quality India Made Stone Veneer
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Our Products Get a Quote SOUTH GREY TERRA RED COPPER RED OCEAN GREEN AMETHYST AURORO MULTI AUTUMN RUSTIC BLACK SHIMMER MULTICOLOR PEACOCK INDIAN AUTUMN SILVER GREY Fibre Glass Range Made of a real natural stone surface, with a fiberglass resin backing. This fiberglass resin backing makes the stone veneer thin, flexible and keeping the weight to a minimum. SOUTH GREY TERRA RED COPPER RED OCEAN GREEN AMETHYST AURORO MULTI AUTUMN RUSTIC BLACK SHIMMER MULTICOLOR PEACOCK INDIAN AUTUMN SILVER GREY Translucent Range Made of a real natural stone surface, with a fiberglass resin backing. This fiberglass resin backing makes the stone veneer thin, flexible and keeping the weight to a minimum. SOUTH GREY TERRA RED COPPER RED OCEAN GREEN AMETHYST AURORO MULTI AUTUMN RUSTIC BLACK SHIMMER MULTICOLOR PEACOCK INDIAN AUTUMN SILVER GREY Fabric Range Made of a real natural stone surface, with a fiberglass resin backing. This fiberglass resin backing makes the stone veneer thin, flexible and keeping the weight to a minimum. SOUTH GREY TERRA RED COPPER RED OCEAN GREEN AMETHYST AURORO MULTI AUTUMN RUSTIC BLACK SHIMMER MULTICOLOR PEACOCK INDIAN AUTUMN SILVER GREY Sandstone Range Made of a real natural stone surface, with a fiberglass resin backing. This fiberglass resin backing makes the stone veneer thin, flexible and keeping the weight to a minimum. SOUTH GREY TERRA RED COPPER RED OCEAN GREEN AMETHYST AURORO MULTI AUTUMN RUSTIC BLACK SHIMMER MULTICOLOR PEACOCK INDIAN AUTUMN SILVER GREY Marble Range Made of a real natural stone surface, with a fiberglass resin backing. This fiberglass resin backing makes the stone veneer thin, flexible and keeping the weight to a minimum. SOUTH GREY TERRA RED COPPER RED OCEAN GREEN AMETHYST AURORO MULTI AUTUMN RUSTIC BLACK SHIMMER MULTICOLOR PEACOCK INDIAN AUTUMN SILVER GREY Limestone Range Made of a real natural stone surface, with a fiberglass resin backing. This fiberglass resin backing makes the stone veneer thin, flexible and keeping the weight to a minimum. SOUTH GREY TERRA RED COPPER RED OCEAN GREEN AMETHYST AURORO MULTI AUTUMN RUSTIC BLACK SHIMMER MULTICOLOR PEACOCK INDIAN AUTUMN SILVER GREY Metallic Range Made of a real natural stone surface, with a fiberglass resin backing. This fiberglass resin backing makes the stone veneer thin, flexible and keeping the weight to a minimum. SOUTH GREY TERRA RED COPPER RED OCEAN GREEN AMETHYST AURORO MULTI AUTUMN RUSTIC BLACK SHIMMER MULTICOLOR PEACOCK INDIAN AUTUMN SILVER GREY Concrete Range Made of a real natural stone surface, with a fiberglass resin backing. This fiberglass resin backing makes the stone veneer thin, flexible and keeping the weight to a minimum. SOUTH GREY TERRA RED COPPER RED OCEAN GREEN AMETHYST AURORO MULTI AUTUMN RUSTIC BLACK SHIMMER MULTICOLOR PEACOCK INDIAN AUTUMN SILVER GREY Terrazo Range Made of a real natural stone surface, with a fiberglass resin backing. This fiberglass resin backing makes the stone veneer thin, flexible and keeping the weight to a minimum. SOUTH GREY TERRA RED COPPER RED OCEAN GREEN AMETHYST AURORO MULTI AUTUMN RUSTIC BLACK SHIMMER MULTICOLOR PEACOCK INDIAN AUTUMN SILVER GREY Oxido Range Made of a real natural stone surface, with a fiberglass resin backing. This fiberglass resin backing makes the stone veneer thin, flexible and keeping the weight to a minimum. SOUTH GREY TERRA RED COPPER RED OCEAN GREEN AMETHYST AURORO MULTI AUTUMN RUSTIC BLACK SHIMMER MULTICOLOR PEACOCK INDIAN AUTUMN SILVER GREY Macbook Cover Range Made of a real natural stone surface, with a fiberglass resin backing. This fiberglass resin backing makes the stone veneer thin, flexible and keeping the weight to a minimum. SOUTH GREY TERRA RED COPPER RED OCEAN GREEN AMETHYST AURORO MULTI AUTUMN RUSTIC BLACK SHIMMER MULTICOLOR PEACOCK INDIAN AUTUMN SILVER GREY Thin Panels Range Made of a real natural stone surface, with a fiberglass resin backing. This fiberglass resin backing makes the stone veneer thin, flexible and keeping the weight to a minimum. Filter using Product Tags Fibreglass Fibreglass Fibreglass Fibreglass Fibreglass Fibre de verre Fibreglass Fibreglass
- Buy Flexible Stone Veneer from India
Frequently Asked Questions Here we are sharing a set of FAQs…. whether you are a Stoneveneerflexible present customer or looking to buy flexible stone veneer from India, our frequently asked questions about flexible stone veneer, will definitely help you find what you’re looking for. What is flexible stone veneer? It is the thinnest and most flexible stone offered in the world. Though it seems impossible, this is not a printed or faux material. Each flexible stone veneer sheet is made from 100% real stone which are premium grade metamorphic rock, that we sourced from the quarries in Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh states in India where we have a strong foot hold. The big game changer is fiberglass backing which strengthens the thin stone layer and gives it unmatched flexibility. Where we can use your flexible stone veneer sheets? They can be used in residential or commercial areas, restaurants, bars, boutiques, offices, bathrooms, showers, kitchens, living rooms, pool and spa surround, indoors and outdoors, facades, accent walls, backsplashes, outdoor kitchens..and much more… Remember…..fabric/ cotton backing flexible stone sheets can be used only indoors, NOT outdoors. What are your flexible stone veneer made up of? The flexible stone veneer sheets are made of 100% real stone of the best quality. Do you sell adhesive / glues also, which one do you suggest? No, we do not sell adhesives, we only sell stone veneer flexible sheets. We suggest adhesive / glues of renowned brands like Laticrete, Mapei, Customs, Proflex etc. Can we use flexible stone panels in Exterior or Interior? Yes, the flexible stone veneer panels can be used in exteriors and interiors as well. But we have to consider the stone parameters also like porosity and finish of the stone, in that case you need to apply impregnator to protect the sheets from water or other elements. Do the flexible stone veneer sheets need maintenance? There is no need for special maintenance or care, just regular cleaning with water, water pressure or a mild soap depending on the area installed or if any external elements have affected the surface. Where is your flexible stone veneer manufacturing factory at? Our Flexible Slate Veneer Manufacturing Factory at: 43-44 RIICO Indl. Area, Old Ajmer Road, Deoli - Tonk - Rajasthan, INDIA, Phone: +91-9829446944 / +91-9929998128, you can visit us How do I place an order? You can contact us by phone or email to process your order and confirm availability, we just need to know the following: Color/s name or photo of the flexible stone veneer that you wish to buy? How much quantity you wish to buy? Which finish you wish to buy (fiber backing i.e. opaque OR translucent OR fabric i.e. cotton or textile backed, the backing types you can select from our products) Which size you wish to buy? (122x61 or 244x122) Which delivery mode you prefer? (by air / sea / courier)? Can you deliver the flexible stone sheets up to our residential or commercial address? Yes, we can arrange delivery up to your zip code (door delivery is possible). Do you ship to other countries? Yes, we ship anywhere in the world, in fact our 99% sales turnover is from overseas market only. What we have to take care of while maintenance of flexible stone veneer sheets? Here are a few tips that you need to take care of: If the sheet/s have come in rolled form, then flatten the sheets properly before installation & make sure the sheet is absolutely flat. To make it more water proof or stain resistant, use a high quality sealer. For neat joints, use a good quality sharp cutting blade. Our flexible stone sheets can be installed easily by your locality's wallpaper installers, carpenters, cabinet makers, tilers, and handymen. Even you can DIY also. Before applying on any substrate, you need to property DRY that surface. Is the flexible veneer sheets fire proof? No, the sheets have fire resistant only. Please be noted that our flexible stone veneer sheets are CE approved. What adhesives / glues we can use to install the flexible stone veneer panels? The type of adhesives / glues depends purely upon the substrate, generally we recommend these adhesives / glues: (A) Adhesives for wood substrate: AGL Power Grace PG-1000 Mapei Keralstick T Kerakoll Supraflex Fevicol Probond Silicone Any other PU Based Adhesive (B) Adhesives for cement substrate: AGL Power Grace PG-1000 Mepai Keralstick T Kerakoll Supraflex (C) Adhesive for backlit veneer sheets: Clear Silicon Adhesive What type of sealants we can use to protect the surface of the flexible stone veneer sheets? The surface of stone sheet is 100% real stone which is naturally porous to oils, grease and limescale. Generally, we recommend following sealants, but always do a patch test with any sealant to make sure it does not change the colour of the stone, besides please be noted that the sheets that you have used on the walls of bathrooms and kitchens may need resealing on yearly basis. Ascolite Sealer MMC Sealer Endura Max Sealer MYK Laticrete Sealer – MAXISEAL Exterior PU Interior PU Water-based slate stone sealers can also be used Nano Repellent sealer from Akemi Sealer from Fila Industria Chimica Spa's Italy What are the highly demanding sizes? Two majorly demanding sizes are: 122 cm x 61 cm (48″ x 24″ or 4 ft. x 2 ft.) 244 cm x 122 cm (96″ x 48″ or 8 ft. x 4 ft.) Will the flexible stone sheets' surface change colour over time? As you know...the front surface is 100% natural stone and it will be lightened with UV rays IF NOT correctly sealed. How do we clean the flexible stone sheets' surface time to time? Pre-sealed flexible stone sheets can be cleaned with soap and water, after sealing mild detergents and stone cleaners can be used. We experience that white spirits are also a good cleaner for flexible stone veneer sheets. Can we use the flexible stone veneer sheets on floors? To be honest we always restrain ourselves to recommend the flexible stone sheets for flooring purposes, but you can...only in those internal floor areas where the foot fall is negligible, besides you need to follow special guidelines while applying the sheets for flooring purposes. What would be an average life of stone veneer sheets? As the 2 mm sheets are made up of 100% real stone that normally lasts for life, but for practical reasons you can assume a 7 year's life of veneer sheet. Does the flexible stone veneer sheets get crack? No, as the stone veneer sheets are flexible and bonded with FRP reinforcement so they will not crack. How you will pack the flexible stone veneer sheets? The sheets are always packed horizontally in plywood / rugged wooden crates with ISPM-15 std. fumigation. For standard size packing for 122x61 cm = 25 pcs per corrugated box For large size packing for 244x122 cm = 4/5 sheets per roll For all the colors and application images please contact us What is on the back of the flexible stone veneer to make this thin format possible? On the back side its’ a special mix of fibre glass mesh / cotton and encased in polymer resins which enable our product to be strong, thin, flexible and light weight. Can we apply the flexible stone veneer sheets around the fire place? Flexible stone veneer sheets have heat resistant up to 120 degrees and has reached fire protection rating Cfl-s1. As long as the area of application does not go over 120 degrees, till that you can use our slate and stone veneers around the fire place area. How much would be flexible stone veneer price? Please note, PRICE depends upon the quantity involved in the shipment, more quantity = LESS price less quantity = MORE price Get in touch with our sales manager (+91-9829446944) for special offers and bulk discounts. What is the HS code for the customs / duty purposes? The HS code is 68030000 How many types of stone veneers you have ? Mainly 3 types of flexible stone veneers we are producing and exporting: Fiber backing stone veneer sheets (opaque/regular with front surface of slate / quartzite / sandstone / marble / limestone / granite) Translucent stone veneer (U.V. backlit with front surface of slate/quartzite) Fabric backing stone veneer (eco/cotton backing/0.6mm with front surface of slate/quartzite) Can you cut to required sizes? Yes, we can supply you the sheets in the customs sizes also. For pricing please email your required size/s along with quantities. Can I view sheets' photos? Yes, we will send you the digital images of the veneer sheets so that you can see the exact lot that you will be getting. Why buy from Rajasthan Slate & Stone Exports Inc.? We can give you plenty of reasons to choose our flexible stone veneer sheets in comparison to other players: We deliver high quality thin flexible sheets at very competitive prices. We have a wealth of experience in the flexible stone veneer industry. We’re committed to ensuring you’re satisfied with our service from the moment you click onto our website, till your order is delivered to your warehouse / site / home. We know about the importance of a good customer service, whether you are a private home owner, a contractor, or a designer looking for information regarding our services, we will assist you throughout the whole process and ensure you have the best prices possible in the market. By working with us, you can be assured that you will get top quality work and will benefit of the best prices in the market. There will not be broken edges (all corners will be perfect 90 degrees) Besides we assure you for smooth backing, European standard resin and chemicals, no fibre glass visibility at the back, no patches, no spots, and no delaminated areas, best packaging, & no smell at all…at any cost….because we use all imported & branded consumables We are experts at logistics and material delivery, we promise to make the buying process as easy as possible for you. We will let you know how much to order and whether your color choice is the right one for the job or not. Call us today to get a free estimate and see for yourself. Explore our website and learn more about our company and the services we offer. Why you buy from the under-serviced big stores or overpriced local tile shops, when you can get everything from us? We pride ourselves in providing our customers with the best price but more importantly the highest quality flexible stone panels. I’m a stone dealer; can I apply to join your network? Yes, of course. we’d love to have you as part of our network so feel free to email us at or call us on +91-9829446944 / +91-294-2980288. Do I have to buy EXTRA for my project and how much should I buy extra? We always recommend ordering an extra 10-20% of your desired amount of stone sheets, just in case...minor damage, intricate cuts during installation, corners, etc. The rule of thumb is to order at least an extra 15% of your stone of choice; you do not want to find yourself two sheets short at the end of installation. It is also wise to keep a few extra sheets in case you will need to replace broken or damaged sheets in the future. How do I get a quotation from you? You can email us at or call / whatsapp us on +91-9829446944 / +91-294-2980288, we also have a "Get a Quote" button on all product pages, just click on this button, this action will pop up a form for you. We are very prompt with our answers. Is there a minimum order quantity? Yes please, the MoQ is: MOQ: 122x61 cm = 100 sheets at least (74.42 sqm. / 801 sq. ft. to cover) MOQ: 244x122 cm = 100 sheets at least (297.68 sqm. / 3204 sq. ft. to cover) Can we glue the self-adhesive 3D wall panels to or around the fireplace? Yes, self-adhesive 3D stone cladding is perfectly suitable for temperatures from -40° to +120° C. Only condition is the panels should not come in direct contact with fire. Do I have to sand the front surface of the flexible stone panel? No, not at all, no sanding is needed. The organic texture of flexible stone veneer provides a naturally "perfect" surface. Can we install the 3D self-adhesive stone cladding in the kitchen? YES. You can install in the kitchen also but after gluing the panels on the surface we recommend treating the stone panel with a silicone-based impregnation solution. The Impregnation actually protects the stone panel from water, the Impregnation protects the thin stone panel from the formation of unwanted stains and it would be easier for you to clean the panels. Remember if the self-adhesive stone panel has been glued behind the gas stove or hob, it is necessary to use protective glass. How to clean the self-adhesive stone cladding? You can wash the panels with warm water, remove larger impurities with a soft brush and then rinse with clean water and let it dry to prevent limescale stains. We do not recommend detergents for cleaning the 3D self-adhesive panels. Can we install the self-adhesive stone cladding panels in the bathroom / shower enclosure? The self-adhesive stone cladding panels can withstand higher humidity and higher temperatures. The flexible panels can be glued to the bathroom wall. But we do not recommend gluing directly to the shower, actually direct contact with water is not suitable for flexible panels. Does the wall where I want to apply the thin panels have to be perfectly flat? Not necessarily...the 3d self-adhesive panels can easily handle small unevenness, even some of the flexible 3D wall panels can also be used to cover rounded walls or a rounded column, the only important thing is the substrate must always be dry and dust-free. Can we install the 3D Peel and Stick Stone Veneers outdoors? We do not recommend gluing the self-adhesive panels outdoors, the panels are intended only for indoor use . You can use the thin panels to cover the fireplace, kitchen, bathroom or staircase. Do we have to do the grouting while installing the stone veneer sheets? To be honest...there is no hard and fast rule to do the grouting but if you really do need then we recommend 3MM grouting is enough. Do you Have any more Questions? Please call us on +91-9829446944 / or To Send an Email Click HERE Filter using Product Tags Wholesale Stone Veneer Price Fireplace Stone Veneer Stone Veneer Siding Translucent Glass Backed Stone Panels Translucent Stone Veneer Sheets Translucent Stone Veneer Panels Silver Grey Slate Flexible Veneer Sheets D Green Slate Flexible Veneer Sheets
- Manufacturer and Supplier of 3D Peel and Stick Stone Veneer Panels from India
3D Peel and Stick Stone Veneer Suitable uses Kitchens and backsplashes, fireplace, kitchen, bathroom, child’s room, living room, staircase, office & home interior, corporate walls, cabinet doors & furniture, reception desks, hallway or bathroom, mud/laundry room, dining room, family room, walls & ceilings, ships, air craft, vehicles & yacht interior, trade show exhibits, it can be applied on curved surfaces like columns, pillars, etc. You can install Peel and Stick DIY Panels on textured walls with liquid nails glue also though they have a sticky back. Buy cheap peel & stick stone panel backsplash from direct manufacturer. Front surface 3D peel and stick veneer Real marble/slate/quartzite/sandstone/limestone/granite (100% real stones). Your interior will get a three-dimensional look. Backing of peel and stick self-adhesive DIY panels: A protective film is there on strong self-adhesive base for an easy, just peel off the backing & install. No extra glue or grout needed when installing. Simple mesh backing flexible panels are also available on order Two edge patterns: Interlocked and straight, as per order we can make and supply Thickness of self-adhesive DIY Panels 2 – 3.5 mm (5/64" – 9/64") Two surface patterns: 3D (up-down strips) & 2D (plain stripping), as per order we can supply Weight of peel and stick wall panels 3.8 Kg / Sq. Mtr. 3D self-adhesive stone tiles Price Please send us an email for price of 3D flexible wall panels. We are biggest 3D peel and stick stone veneers supplier, at cheap wholesale price, we can give you a free quote with a good price. 3D peel and stick veneers life This slim stone panels can normally be lasts for life, but practically and to be honest we assure you a 5 years of perfect life span. Samples Are available in 60 x 15 cm (23.62" x 5.9") Suitable substrates Peel Stick Self-Adhesive Decorative 3D Stone Tile On plaster, plasterboard, OSB, wooden surface, ceramic surface. Packaging 28 panels / corrugated box 35 corrugated box / wooden crate 980 panels / wooden crate i.e. 88.20 sqm / crate can cover your area Eco friendly Yes, the product is made from blocks of real natural stone, it increases the surface coverage by being a thin veneer Best waterproofing / sealants Akemi Company's "Nano Repellent" & sealer from Fila Industria Chimica Spa, Italy is also best. In case of kitchen and bathroom installations we recommend using an impregnation sealant on the panels after installation. Peel and stick tile cutting You can cut the peel and stick stone panels with sheet metal shears or a grinder with a diamond wheel. Even you can cut them during DIY by utility knife or strong pair of scissors. it's super easy to cut them. We suggest you to wear a mask and eye protection when cutting! Storage Store the self-adhesive decorative 3D stone tiles in a dry, clean place away from direct sunlight. We supply 3D & 2D peel and stick wall panels in following demanding size: We can deliver custom-made sizes also MOQ: 60 cm x 15 cm = 1000 panels at least (90 sqm / 968 sq. ft. area to cover) Explore Other Product Categories Main benefits of peel stick self-adhesive decorative 3D stone tiles There is strong adhesive on the thin panels back, you don’t need extra glue or grout at the time of installation. It is an easy do-it-yourself DIY wall decoration. It installs quicker than traditional tile. We can use these self-adhesive panels in higher humidity places like bathroom, kitchen and in higher temperature areas like fireplace. There is no harm in applying the panels from -40°C to +120°C, it fits practically anywhere but in the interior only. The back side self-adhesive is not suitable for outdoor use, the panels will fall off the surface. DIY 3D peel and stick self adhesive veneers / panels with 100% real stone textures, pores and finishes Black Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm black 3D peel and stick stone veneer Indian Autumn Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm indian autumn 3D peel and stick stone veneer Autumn Rustic Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm autumn rustic 3D peel and stick stone veneer Multicolor Peacock Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm multicolor peacock 3D peel and stick stone veneer S White Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm s white 3D peel and stick stone veneer Amethyst Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm amethyst 3D peel and stick stone veneer California Gold Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm california gold 3D peel and stick stone veneer Multi Pink Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm multi pink 3D peel and stick stone veneer Forest Fire Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm forest fire 3D peel and stick stone veneer Zeera Green Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm zeera green 3D peel and stick stone veneer Burning Forest Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm burning forest 3D peel and stick stone veneer Copper Red Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm copper red 3D peel and stick stone veneer D Green Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm d green 3D peel and stick stone veneer Silver Grey Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm silver grey 3D peel and stick stone veneer Golden Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm golden 3D peel and stick stone veneer Black Shimmer Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm black shimmer 3D peel and stick stone veneer Silver Shine Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm silver shine 3D peel and stick stone veneer Muskeg Noir Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm muskeg noir 3D peel and stick stone veneer Ocean Black Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm ocean black 3D peel and stick stone veneer Silver Galaxy Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm silver galaxy 3D peel and stick stone veneer covers 0.968 square feet Fiberglass Translucent Fabric Marble Sandstone Limestone Metallic Oxido Concrete Granite Terrazzo 3D Panels Macbook Cover Stoneveneerflexible is the largest manufacturer and supplier of 3D peel and stick stone veneer panels from India to the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Slovakia, Mexico, Argentina, Thailand etc. Silver Shine Gold Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm silver shine gold 3D peel and stick stone veneer Arctic White Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm arctic white 3D peel and stick stone veneer Atlantic White Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm atlantic white 3D peel and stick stone veneer Sylvia Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm sylvia 3D peel and stick stone veneer Portugese Sonnet Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm portugese sonnet 3D peel and stick stone veneer Rainforest Green Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm rainforest green 3D peel and stick stone veneer Rainforest Brown Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm rainforest brown 3D peel and stick stone veneer Rainbow Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm rainbow 3D peel and stick stone veneer Teakwood Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm teakwood 3D peel and stick stone veneer Mint White Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm mint white 3D peel and stick stone veneer Mint Yellow Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm mint yellow 3D peel and stick stone veneer Red Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm red 3D peel and stick stone veneer Filter using Product Tags Ahsapduar Stone Veneer Indian Autumn Piedra Flexible Peel and Stick Panels Flexible Stone Veneer Manufacturer Terrazzo Veneer Granite Veneer Metallic Veneer Limestone Veneer Flexible Stone Veneer Factory
- Direct from the Stone Veneer Manufacturer
Contact us Really Strong. Really Skinny. Really Bendable. Direct from the Stone Veneer Manufacturer. Factory you. #1 Source. Factory Direct. Stoneveneerflexible is your source for high quality flexible stone veneer from India. We are top notch manufacturer exporter and supplier of flexible stone from India. We specialize in flexibility, top notch quality, and helping you with outstanding service. Our team is staffed by friendly and experienced individuals who are happy to assist you with any questions or support. Please contact us if you have any query for wholesale prices… Send us a message and we’ll get back to you shortly. Email Phone Country Your message Send Thanks for submitting! Filter using Product Tags Multicolor Slate Flexible Veneer Sheets Line Black Slate Flexible Veneer Sheets Rustic Slate Flexible Veneer Sheets Autumn Slate Flexible Veneer Sheets Copper Slate Flexible Veneer Sheets Golden Slate Flexible Veneer Sheets Zeera Green Slate Flexible Veneer Sheets California Slate Flexible Veneer Sheets